Venerdì 26 gennaio | - Introduction to the course
- Getting to know each other
- Class activities and revision
| |
Martedì 30 gennaio | - [Revision] Esser(ci), avere, fare, andare
| - Study list of prepositions by heart
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Venerdì 2 febbraio | | - Revise conjugations and vocabulary studied in class
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Martedì 6 febbraio | - Il sostantivo e l’aggettivo
| - Revise conjugations and vocabulary studied in class
Venerdì 9 febbraio | - Comparativi e superlativi
| - Online exercises
- Revise conjugations and vocabulary studied in class
Martedì 13 febbraio | - Inviti, esprimere preferenze
| - Online exercises
- Revise conjugations and vocabulary studied in class
Venerdì 16 febbraio | REVISION + PREP EXAM I | - Online exercises
- Memorize conjugations and revise vocabulary studied in class
Martedì 20 febbraio |
| - Online exercises
- Revise conjugations and vocabulary studied in class
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Venerdì 23 febbraio | | - Online exercises
- Revise conjugations and vocabulary studied in class
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Martedì 27 febbraio | | - Online exercises
- Revise conjugations and vocabulary studied in class
Venerdì 1 marzo | | - Online exercises
- Revise conjugations and vocabulary studied in class
Martedì 5 marzo |
| - Online exercises
- Revise conjugations and vocabulary studied in class
Venerdì 8 marzo | | - Online exercises
- Revise conjugations and vocabulary studied in class
Martedì 12 marzo | - Ripasso verbi riflessivi, tempi passati e preposizioni
| - Online exercises
- Memorize conjugations and revise vocabulary studied in class
Venerdì 15 marzo | REVISION + PREP EXAM II | - Online exercises
- Revise conjugations and vocabulary studied in class
Martedì 19 marzo | EXAM II | - Online exercises
- Revise conjugations and vocabulary studied in class
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Venerdì 22 marzo |
| - Online exercises
- Revise conjugations and vocabulary studied in class
Martedì 26 marzo |
| - Online exercises
- Memorize conjugations and revise vocabulary studied in class
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Martedì 2 aprile | | - Online exercises
- Revise conjugations and vocabulary studied in class
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Venerdì 5 aprile | | - Online exercises
- Memorize conjugations and revise vocabulary studied in class
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Martedì 9 aprile | - Ripasso, lessico vestiti e avverbi in -mente
| - Online exercises
- Revise conjugations and vocabulary studied in class
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Venerdì 12 aprile |
- Lavori e hobby/ cosa fai nel week-end
| - Online exercises
- Memorize conjugations and revise vocabulary studied in class
Martedì 16 aprile | REVISION + PREP EXAM III | - Online exercises
- Memorize conjugations and revise vocabulary studied in class
| |
Venerdì 19 aprile | EXAM III | - Online exercises
- Revise conjugations and vocabulary studied in class
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SPRING BREAK 4/22 – 4/30 | | | |
Venerdì 3 maggio | | - Online exercises
- Revise conjugations and vocabulary studied in class
Martedì 7 maggio | - Ripasso (futuro e lavori)
| - Online exercises
- Revise conjugations and vocabulary studied in class
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Venerdì 10 maggio | | - Revise conjugations and vocabulary studied in class
Martedì 14 maggio | REVISION + PREP FINAL | - Revise conjugations and vocabulary studied in class
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Venerdì 17 maggio | FINAL EXAM | | |